
The General Conditions here in solely regulate the sale of products offered by DOLORES CORTES FONT SA through its online store www.dolorescortesonline.com

The Legal Notice published on this website idntifies the owner of the website as assigned to them in Article 10 of the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Similarly, this Legal Notice contains information about the data protection policy developed by personal DOLORES FONT CORTES SA

The products offered on this website are for private consumption, so that their acquisition is subject to the conditions relating to the purchase agreement. The sale contract is deemed perfected at the time the client issues the express confirmation of your order, for which you will need to accept the terms and conditions previously indicated. For this reason, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA encourages customers to complete reading both the legal notice posted on this website and the general conditions as well as the product sheet in the specified features, price and shipping, before issuing the order whose acceptance formalizes and refines the contract.This contract is made in the legal framework established by the Civil Code, the Law 7/1998 of General Conditions of Contract and the Law 7/1996 of the Retail Trade, so that the consumer has all the guarantees established for protection laws 26/1984 for the Protection of Consumers and Users and 23/2003 of Guarantees in the Sale of Consumer Goods. Furthermore, this contract is made in the general framework for Electronic Commerce established by Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Similarly, the data provided by the customer during the checkout process to receive this treatment prescribed in the Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data as described in the Privacy Policy section.

After identifying the seller and the object of the sale in the current catalogue on the website, and with reference to information on features and price of each item in its appropriate tab, this contract is subject to the following conditions:

First: Payment

This contract is executed and binding on the parties as to the obligation of supply of goods by the seller and the payment of the price set by the buyer from the time of acceptance by it. The full payment of the price of the products listed on the tab for each of them, shall be made by any of the following forms.

1. Pay by credit card or debit card. The customer can choose to pay by credit card or debit card, so that the operation will be confirmed at the time the order is placed.

2. Payment by bank transfer. The client will make a bank transfer for the total operation to which the seller has directed. For this form of payment to be considered valid, establishing a maximum period of seven days starting from the order confirmation. If after this period the transfer is not made effective in the seller's account, the order is automatically cancelled and the contract shall be resolved and no effect for either party. The customer must indicate on the transfer the following: 
 * Name of the person or entity to which must be checked the order, also indicating billing data (DNI, NIF, billing address if different from the delivery, CP , city, state and phone number). * Order number, automatically assigned by the system to complete the process. * Indicate the transferee as to CORTES SA DOLORES FONT.

3. PayPal.

4. Payment on delivery. Once delivered the goods, the customer must deliver the carrier 100% of the operation, including VAT, leaving it so completely liquidated and the contract terminated.

Second: Right of Revocation and Return Policy

As provided in Article 44 of the Law of the retail trade, the buyer may terminate this contract within 14 natural days of receipt of the goods. Once connected to the withdrawal of the buyer seller, it must return the goods to the seller in the same condition in which it was delivered. The seller, meanwhile, asked refund the buyer within 15 days from receipt of the returned merchandise according to delivery note.

No revocation of orders will be accepted or refunds of goods outside the limits specified.
The withdrawal must be communicated by email to the address: info@dolorescortesonline.com indicated within seven working days. In response to this email, the buyer will receive confirmation of receipt of the decision and any information about the return procedure is necessary (return number, shipping method and delivery address).

The penalty will not refund the buyer but shall bear the direct cost of returning the product to seller in the terms foreseen by the third paragraph of that Article.

Third: Transportation and Delivery

 On orders over € 120 transport is provided by DOLORES CORTES FONT SA. In case of return of the goods, and as outlined in Article 44 of the Law of the Retail Trade, shipping costs borne by the customer.

Delivery time: 
 The product will be delivered within a period of from 24 hours to 10 days, counting from the confirmation of receipt of the bank transfer. This period may vary depending on the products, measuring and packaging and delivery provinces. This information is detailed in the file for each product. Delivery time can be up to 30 calendar days in cases where the need for a customized manufacturing process to the customer. The goods are delivered within the agreed and indicated in the product details except in those cases where the customer requests delivery at a later date. For orders that include more than one product, the delivery date will be, for the entire order, that for the product to indicate longer term. In cases where the volume of orders involving the reduction of available stock or stocks to be communicated to the client a new delivery date will be provided as soon as possible. In the event that the product is discontinued or not possible to replenish stocks of the same, will communicate this to the client so that, by his own decision or select a new product with similar features and price, either cancel the order, in which case will proceed to refund any amounts delivered (see clause First: Payment). If a failure reported fair or not more than 10 days upon the date of delivery, the customer may request the revocation of the contract, the subsequent cancellation of the order and refund of the amounts paid. There will be a default in delivery delay attributable to the customer by their own will or by its location and inability to contact through the information provided by it.

 merchandise shipments daily from Monday to Friday and always having finalized the customer address, which may establish a preference for a delivery date or time at your convenience. In this case, any responsibility for the delay in delivering the customer apply, never FONT DOLORES CORTES SA. Similarly, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA encourages its customers, in case of not reaching an agreement with the freight on the date and time of delivery, contact customer service and report this fact to the after-sales service to expedite delivery through other procedures. The transport of the products is included in the price thereof and includes only the transport of the goods to any point of the Peninsula and the Balearic and delivery to the customer's home. All goods are insured against possible risks of transport, loss and manipulation. In case of transport damage, the customer must be mentioned in the delivery note. No claim of damage caused by transport after 24 hours from the receipt and delivery of goods. Upon delivery of the goods, the customer will receive the delivery note. At the same time be sent to the email address provided by the customer's original invoice. If you do not receive the original invoice, the customer can request by email to the address info@dolorescortesonline.com, indicating the holder of the bill, the corresponding order number and e-mail address where you want to receive it.

Fourth: Warranties
Under the provisions of Law 23/2003 of Warranty in the Sale of Consumer Goods, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA guarantees all products covered by this contract, in general and for a period of 24 months from the date of receipt of the goods, to any manufacturing defect or nonconformity with the characteristics specified in it. Customer is recognized both the right to free repair of the product under contract as a free replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, if necessary. To enforce the guarantee, the customer must contact FONT DOLORES CORTES SA via e-mail to info@dolorescortesonline.com. FONT DOLORES CORTES SA ensures that all products of this catalog are manufactured in accordance with all legal specifications and recommendations that apply to these items. Also, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA will repair or replace during the warranty period, the defective or non-compliant with the specifications indicated in the data sheet, in these cases only by accepting warranty repaired or replaced parts.

Under no circumstances FONT DOLORES CORTES SA accept liability for defects or damage caused by misuse of the products.

Fifth: Information about the execution of the order

Once an order is accepted, DOLORES FONT CORTÉS S.A. will have to execute the order in a maximum period of 30 natural days from the establishment of the contract. In case the product subject to the opration is not available, DOLORES FONT CORTÉS S.A. will notify the consumer and return any money payed inmediately. In case of injustified delay in the return of the import, the consumer will have the right to reclaim as much as twice of the payed amount.

Sixth: Reclaiming

In case that the consumer has any claims or complaints, the consumer should contact the Customer Service Department of DOLORES FONT CORTÉS S.A. using the telephone (+34 964 506 320) or the e-mail (info@dolorescortesonline.com).

Seventh: Communications

The signatories to this contract for the purpose of possible notifications in relation to it, set as home FONT DOLORES CORTES SA and its proprietor, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA , As specified in the legal notice and as home of the client, provided by it in the order form.
Similarly, and for any incident or breach in the sale, the signers of this contract are subject to the courts of Alicante in case this was another.

Eighth: Pricing Policy

FONT DOLORES CORTES SA , Reserves the right to unilaterally modify the price of products and services offered through the website www.dolorescortesonline.com. To ensure the veracity customer safety and product prices are considered as foreign force in the advertising at the time of placing the order.

Changing the privacy policy and the terms and conditions

FONT DOLORES CORTES SA reserves the right to modify and / or update this document both its privacy policy and the terms and conditions contained on the website two documents www.dolorescortesonline.com to adapt both to new legal regulations and jurisprudence as new information from market and industry.
If applicable, DOLORES CORTES FONT SA agrees to communicate such changes and / or updates to their customers.

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